Monday's medium of the day was clay. Though the most basic of our art mediums this week, clay is tried and true for a reason. The kids had so much fun sculpting. As a bonus, clay is such a fun sensory experience.
Tuesday the medium of the day was trash/recycling. In interviewing DaVinci campers, many say this was the favorite day to sculpt.
Wednesday medium of the day was food. This was a wacky day for sure. Due to the perishable nature of these sculptures, none were able to make it to the art gallery on Friday. Here are some pictures!
Thursday medium of the day was loose parts. Thank you to all the families that brought in some old treasures. What an enhancement to these wonderful sculptures.
Today was our big Art Show. All families were invited to the gallery to view and even bring home some amazing pieces made by the talented, refined, and renown DaVinci Campers!
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