Dear Camper Families,
It was quite the zoo at Zookeeper Vet camp this week! 🐼🐨🐻
It was quite the zoo at Zookeeper Vet camp this week! 🐼🐨🐻
The Seniors and the Juniors
This morning, the kids made zoo journals. They will be using this journal to store all of their crafts for this week. Midday, Sparks Ark came. The campers got to meet a variety of interesting animals. In the afternoon, the students got to create a blueprint of their dream zoo.
Showing off an owl, a snake, and sugar glider
In the morning, the campers made animal masks. The Juniors learned about koalas and then made newspaper koalas masks. The seniors got to pick what type of animal mask they wished to create. Later, the campers learned about habitats and created habitats for animals.
Koala Masks
In the morning, the campers made zebras. The Juniors used this zebra craft to learn about diversity (every zebra has a different pattern of stripes, just like how every human looks a little different). Midday, Ms. Kristen led the campers on a playground safari. In the afternoon, the senior campers made 3D animals out of recycled materials while the juniors made zoo puppets and shaving cream tiger patterns.
Zebra Diversity
Shaving Cream: Creating Tiger Patterns
In the morning, the campers learned about camouflage. They did an activity with snakes and their camouflage. Midday, the senior campers go to watch a clip from Animal Planet, while the Juniors played animal charades. We had a vet visit in the afternoon, Dr. Graves. For the afternoon interviews with the Seniors, they talked about the zebra crafts they had made yesterday.
Safe Snake: Camouflage Activity
Dr. Graves' visit
In the morning, the Juniors and Seniors got their weekly DaVinci crayons. The Juniors then learned about Robert Irwin, who is the son of famous conservationist Steve Irwin. The Seniors got the chance to finish up their projects from the week. Midday, the Juniors learned about how zookeepers must bathe animals. They then got a chance to wash our play animals. Some of the Seniors chose to join them on this activity as well. Other seniors devoted their time to making posters that will decorate the senior room for next week's camp. After lunch, it was sprinkler time!
Animal Baths!
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