Monday Before digging into all the amazing sharks in our curriculum, we just learned about what makes a shark a shark! We talked about how they have 2 dorsal fins, the side-to-side swishing tale, the and the gills and pectoral fins. We discussed the endangered list: -Not enough data -Least concern -Near threatened -Threatened -Vulnerable -Endangered -Critically endangered -Extinct in the wild -Extinct Once we set the scene, we focused on two sharks for Monday, Blue Sharks and Lemon Sharks. Both sharks utilize countershading, a camouflage technique where the shark is white on bottom and the color of the sand, or the water on top. We designed our own sharks (some silly, some more scientific) and did some painting. After lunch, we headed off to the beach to enjoy the water. We even found some horseshoe crabs! Tuesday Today was MONSTER SHARK DAY!!! We learned about the Goblin Shark, the Greenland Shark, and the Cookie Cutter Shark. All t...